Microtechs are our favorite carry knife, not just because we are a dealer, but because of their commitment to excellence. Their catch phrase, “Never Compromise”, pretty much tells their story. Their ability to create form, function and beauty into a pocket knife is amazing. Since they started crafting knives, they have been dedicated to making the world’s best cutting tools with the most advanced materials and manufacturing techniques. They constantly strive to blend complexity and minimalism into tactical and utilitarian knife design and usage. While some consider them a bit pricey, they really are not. One must understand the differences and comparisons of the different manufacturers, the quality of material and the solid warranty to truly be able to assess the Microtech value.
Microtech started some 25 years ago with some conceptual sketches. Their goal was to develop an ergonomic hand held blade that ran as smooth as possible. They have always and still do use some of the best materials in the world. Their vision was to never sacrifice quality for price point. Today, they use the highest quality materials, premium metals, aluminum, carbon fiber, and plastics they can find for their iconic brand. Their R&D department is constantly searching for better!
Microtech uses a variety of high quality steels, based on the application of the end use. Carpenter CTS 204P, is an American produced ultra-premium steel. This steel provides great edge retention, polish-ability, corrosion resistance and toughness. It is a little tougher to sharpen than some steel out their, but Microtech offers free lifetime sharpening…problem solved. Bohler M390 is widely thought to be one of the best all around blade steels. It provides many of the same attributes as the CTC 204P, and can be found on many high end knives. Elmax is a great all around steel, with great edge retention and polish-ability, good corrosion resistance and toughness and is fairly easy to sharpen. Finally Carpenter CTS-XHP is a well rounded powder metallurgy steel. It offers ease of sharpening as well as good corrosion resistance and toughness. Microtech builds their blades to last a lifetime.
After all of the materials are selected based on the particular application for the knife in process, machining and secondary operations begins Each part is produced to their exact standards, keeping any eye on the application and the end user. From there the hand work begins. Each of their knives are built by hand, by knife artisans, who are aficionados, knife experts in their own right.
Microtech offers several lines of folders, out-the front and fixed blades, as well a small line of knife accessories. They have their Core series, their entry level offering, which to many in the knife game is way better than entry level. These are serious knives for serious people and situations. This line addresses just about any application you could need, and are truly built to last. From work knives, daily carry, self protection and just a great every day pocket knife, there is something for just about everyone in this line.
Their Signature series elevates to “a whole nother level”! These knives offer the serious knife folk with premium upgrades such as Damascus blades, carbon fiber and copper trimmings. They have custom color schemes, paint designs, and Themed knives, such as their Star Wars blades. Their Collaboration series is, as the name applies, a collaboration of Microtech and other Knife Designers. These are bold and unique designs. The Stitch is one of our favorites.
In this bloggers humble opinion, Microtech’s warranty is one of the best in the game. Microtech Knives extends a Limited Lifetime Warranty against any defects in materials or workmanship. They expect you to use the knife. They made it with that in mind. Their warranty covers the functionality of the knife for the lifetime of the knife. Oh yeah, as mentioned above, they will sharpen your knife for free, for life. You just pay postage. They do not cover customer upgrades, or augmentation, theft, loss, or standard wear and tear (although I have been carrying a Combat Troodon for many years, use it almost every day, and it still looks new). They make a great blade and stand behind their product.
In conclusion, we believe everyone should have a great knife. Microtech is one of the very best. They are not the cheapest, or the most expensive. What they are is thoughtfully designed, well built, durable, reliable and really great looking. They offer great designs with a broad range of styles, and their warranty is great. Plus, you have to consider the cool factor, there is something to be said about the chhhick-chhhick of an OTF knife engaging and disengaging. Did I mention, they make a great gift, or Stocking Stuffer?
Shark Out
My 6 year old Microtech Combat Troodon. Wear and tear from daily carry and use.